杂志期刊 旅游地理
[印度版]Conde Nast Traveller 康德·纳斯特旅游者 2014年6-7月刊双月刊

Conde Nast Traveller magazine is filled with the travel secrets of celebrated writers and sophisticated travelers. Each monthly issue features breathtaking destinations……

Conde Nast Traveller magazine is filled with the travel secrets of celebrated writers and sophisticated travelers. Each monthly issue features breathtaking destinations, including the finest art, architecture, fashion, culture, cuisine, lodgings, and shopping. With Condé Nast Traveler as your guide, you’ll discover the best islands, cities, spas, castles, and cruises.


[美国版]Islands 岛屿旅游杂志 2014年7-8月刊
[美国版]National Geographic Traveler 国家地理旅游杂志 2014年1月刊
[美国版]Sunset 旅游杂志 2014年3月刊
Sunset magazine is the indispensable guide to living in the West, keeping fresh and staying on target with its readers for more than a century. It feeds the passion homeowners feel for living in one of the most vibrant and exciting places in the world.
[英国版]Wanderlust 权威旅游杂志 2014年3月刊
Wanderlust is the magazine for people who love to get out there and explore – travelers who long to escape the crowds and seek out the most unique cultures, wildlife and activities

