d+a is a Singapore-based bimonthly magazine featuring works of exceptional architecture and interior design by outstanding talents from Asia and the West. In each issue are core sections on strikingly contemporary houses, residential interiors with a focus on spatial design, and commercial buildings and spaces such as hotels, boutiques, restaurants and offices. All these presented with meticulous plans and drawings and stunning visuals to attract and enthrall both the informed, as well as the casual reader. The main editorials in every issue, which include the occasional provocative essay on the urban environment, art, culture and heritage are also regularly supplemented by design news and highlights, trend reports, and useful information on new products. Readers get an insight into the industry from interviews with designers and practitioners from fields relevant to the industry of design: landscape, graphics, products, interiors, building developments, etc. Constant positive and encouraging feedback from readers, both local and overseas, has kept the d+a team at Key Editions Pte Ltd committed to delivering a quality magazine that is uncompromising in depth and scope.
[美国版]Architect 建筑师杂志 2014年3月刊
ARCHITECT magazine, the official media brand of the AIA, provides informative and inspirational editorial surrounding the design, technology and business of architecture to top performing professionals engaged in commercial and institutional architecture.
[法国版]Decormag 室内家居设计杂志 2014年3月刊
Décoration, design, aménagement et rénovation intérieure : décormag inspire chacun de vos projets… avec style ! En plus de vous présenter les dernières tendances en décoration, décormag vous donne des conseils pour choisir vos meubles et accessoires, des suggestions et une foule d’idées pour rénover et aménager votre intérieur.
[英国版]Ideal Home 潮流家居设计装修装饰杂志 2014年5月刊
Ideal Home is Britain’s best-selling interiors magazine, packed with ideas to help you create your own perfect home. Covering every aspect of contemporary living, each issue includes beautiful budget-friendly decorating ideas;
[英国版]Architects Datafile 建筑数据杂志 2014年5月刊
Architects Datafile magazine is changing MORE NEWS, MORE PROJECTS AND ALWAYS FREE to you the Architect.
[台湾版]Shopping Design 设计采买志 2014年3月刊
《Shopping Design》是顺应台湾设计美学风潮而生的杂志,为协助读者透过生活中的消费设计、体验设计,进而能够享受设计所带动的美学生活,引领身处风格社会和美学经济的消费者发现并体会good design、new attitude、wonderful life。