杂志期刊 建筑家居
[澳大利亚版]Architecture Australia 精品建筑杂志 2014年1-2月刊双月刊

Ask architects which Australian magazine they choose to read or to publish their work and the answer is most likely Architecture Australia. If you want to be up to date……

  • 语言英语
  • 大小49.9MB
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Ask architects which Australian magazine they choose to read or to publish their work and the answer is most likely Architecture Australia. If you want to be up to date with the best built works and the issues that matter, then Architecture Australia is for you. It’s commissioned contributors are independent, highly respected practitioners, architectural thinkers and design commentators and each article is supported by images from leading architectural photographers.


[美国版]Frame 室内设计杂志 2014年1-2月刊
[巴西版]Arquitetura & Urbanismo 建筑设计及装饰杂志 2014年3月刊
aU – Arquitetura & Urbanismo OK Caso você n o visualize a anima o corretamente, clique aqui para fazer o download do plugin do Flash.
[台湾版]Shopping Design 设计采买志 2014年3月刊
《Shopping Design》是顺应台湾设计美学风潮而生的杂志,为协助读者透过生活中的消费设计、体验设计,进而能够享受设计所带动的美学生活,引领身处风格社会和美学经济的消费者发现并体会good design、new attitude、wonderful life。
[韩国版]Space 建筑空间杂志 2014年4月刊N557
Space is a specialized architectural monthly which was first published in 1966 and has been at the vanguard of covering the arts and culture scene here in Korea ever since.
[美国版]Contract 商业室内设计杂志 2014年3月刊
Contract Magazine is devoted to highlighting creative interior design trends and ideas that are shaping the industry on a daily basis.
[美国版]Design New England 室内软装家居设计杂志 2014年3-4月刊
Design New England’s focus on design professionals provides the connection readers need to make their dreams a reality. This elegant oversized magazine is filled with lush color photography, expert design advice, and insightful interviews with the area’s most talented design professionals.

