Hinge is the monthly professional publication spanning the fields of architecture and interior design. Established in 1993, the founding concept of hinge magazine was to provide a strong focus for design with an attitude that was distinctly international. Our stories meet the expectations of today’s professional designers – newsy, dynamic and stimulating but the focus will always be directed towords design.
[日本版]商店建筑 Shotenkenchiku 2014年4月刊
[加拿大版]Style at Home 家庭装饰与生活类杂志 2014年3月刊
《Style at home》是加拿大家庭装饰与生活类杂志,它出版有关室内设计的文章,家庭装饰工程,室外生活和娱乐, 杂志带给我们令人兴奋而又时尚的的流行于世界的家庭装饰,也会为你的装修带来不同的方案 各种户型的装修方案,当然Style at home也会介绍家具、电器、卫浴厨房用品等等。
[韩国版]Space 建筑空间杂志 2014年4月刊N557
Space is a specialized architectural monthly which was first published in 1966 and has been at the vanguard of covering the arts and culture scene here in Korea ever since.
[英文版]Detail 建筑细部杂志 2014年5-6月刊
《建筑细部》DETAIL是一本专注于介绍建筑细节构造设计的专业杂志,作为欧洲建筑与工程细部方面最成功的专业杂志,DETAIL在国际上以德、汉、 英、法、意、西文发行,网络覆盖欧、美、亚等洲。
[美国版]House Beautiful 室内外家居装饰杂志 2014年3月刊
国外最著名的室内外家居装饰杂志,风格时尚,简洁,现代,舒适,个性。美国版英文名—–House beautiful, 中文译名–住宅美化,美丽家居,美丽住宅。
[美国版]Builder 建筑师杂志 2014年4月刊
BUILDER provides home builders with home building news, home plans, home design ideas, and building product information, helping them manage their home building operations efficiently and profitably.