杂志期刊 建筑家居
[香港版]Hinge 建筑杂志 2014年2-3月刊双月刊

Hinge is the monthly professional publication spanning the fields of architecture and interior design. Established in 1993, the founding concept of hinge magazine was t……

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Hinge is the monthly professional publication spanning the fields of architecture and interior design. Established in 1993, the founding concept of hinge magazine was to provide a strong focus for design with an attitude that was distinctly international. Our stories meet the expectations of today’s professional designers – newsy, dynamic and stimulating but the focus will always be directed towords design.


[澳大利亚版]Architecture Australia 精品建筑杂志 2014年1-2月刊
Ask architects which Australian magazine they choose to read or to publish their work and the answer is most likely Architecture Australia. If you want to be up to date with the best built works and the issues that matter, then Architecture Australia is for you. It’s commissioned contributors are independent, highly respected practitioners, architectural thinkers and design commentators and each article is supported by images from leading architectural photographers.
[美国版]K+BB 厨卫权威杂志 2014年1月刊
[英国版]Homes & Antiques 进口家居软装饰杂志 2014年2月刊
[英国版]Living Etc 现代细节生活杂志 2014年3月刊
Living etc(中文名:现代细节生活),是英国销量最好的时尚家居杂志。 Livingetc, Britain’s best-selling modern homes magazine, is the premium glossy magazine for the design-conscious homeowner. Smart and stylish, it’s the only homes title successfully to bridge the gap between fashion and interiors. Livingetc is the trusted, credible voice of relaxed modern living.
[美国版]Frame 室内设计杂志 2014年1-2月刊
[美国版]Residential Lighting 最畅销灯光照明设施杂志 2014年1月刊

