Canadian Architect is a magazine for architects and related professionals practicing in Canada. Canada’s only monthly design publication, Canadian Architect has been in continuous publication since 1955. This national review of design and practice documents significant architecture and design from across the country and features articles on current practice, building technology, and social issues affecting architecture. Canadian Architect has been honoured with numerous awards and nominations in the Canadian Business Press annual Kenneth R. Wilson Awards and has also been recognized in Canada’s National Magazine Awards.
[英国版]Ideal Home 潮流家居设计装修装饰杂志 2014年5月刊
Ideal Home is Britain’s best-selling interiors magazine, packed with ideas to help you create your own perfect home. Covering every aspect of contemporary living, each issue includes beautiful budget-friendly decorating ideas;
[南非版]House and Leisure 时尚家居设计杂志 2014年5月刊
House and Leisure,南非版时尚家居设计杂志,不仅仅是一个个装饰,更是一种生活方式。 House and Leisure is for those who want to celebrate all aspects of contemporary and stylish living.
[澳大利亚版]Architecture Australia 精品建筑杂志 2014年1-2月刊
Ask architects which Australian magazine they choose to read or to publish their work and the answer is most likely Architecture Australia. If you want to be up to date with the best built works and the issues that matter, then Architecture Australia is for you. It’s commissioned contributors are independent, highly respected practitioners, architectural thinkers and design commentators and each article is supported by images from leading architectural photographers.
[巴西版]Arquitetura & Urbanismo 建筑设计及装饰杂志 2014年3月刊
aU – Arquitetura & Urbanismo OK Caso você n o visualize a anima o corretamente, clique aqui para fazer o download do plugin do Flash.
[韩国版]Space 建筑空间杂志 2014年4月刊N557
Space is a specialized architectural monthly which was first published in 1966 and has been at the vanguard of covering the arts and culture scene here in Korea ever since.