Contract Magazine is devoted to highlighting creative interior design trends and ideas that are shaping the industry on a daily basis. Contract is proud to provide you with the most comprehensive coverage of commercial interior design products and resources that procure uniqueness when designing a space. Contract is the modern interior design magazine that recognizes fresh interior design ideas and projects powerful interior design resources.
[加拿大版]Canadian Architect 建筑杂志 2014年2月刊
Canadian Architect is a magazine for architects and related professionals practicing in Canada. Canada’s only monthly design publication, Canadian Architect has been in continuous publication since 1955.
[英国版]Country Living 欧美田园风格家居时尚杂志 2014年6月刊
Country Living,中文叫乡村生活,是著名的家居装饰生活综合杂志,风格田园,乡村,美国式,清新,全彩图,图片多。杂志的读者是欣赏美国家庭和传统的家庭生活,无论他们生活在哪里,1978年首次兴起了“乡村风格”的装修装饰,收集和娱乐
[中国版]Architectural Digest 安邸AD 2014年1月刊
卷首语——时间 两次路过UCCA尤伦斯《提诺•赛格尔TinoSehgal》的展览,门口总有人排队。这次咬咬牙,还是给看了吧,国外看展览不也老排队吗?心里还偷偷安慰着自己。
[英国版]Interiors Monthly 室内设计杂志 2014年3月刊
Interiors Monthly is the hottest trade magazine off the press. A design led magazine, incorporating high quality features, news, views, and worldwide exhibition previews and reviews.
[日本版]My Garden 我的花园园艺杂志 2009年合集(3本)
[日本版]My Garden 我的花园园艺杂志 2009年合集(3本)
[英国版]Ideal Home 潮流家居设计装修装饰杂志 2014年5月刊
Ideal Home is Britain’s best-selling interiors magazine, packed with ideas to help you create your own perfect home. Covering every aspect of contemporary living, each issue includes beautiful budget-friendly decorating ideas;