杂志期刊 建筑家居
[美国版]New York Spaces 纽约空间设计杂志 2014年3-4月刊双月刊

Offering an exclusive look behind the doors of the best designed and decorated homes in the New York metro area, each issue ventures to chic city lofts

  • 语言英语
  • 大小54.4MB
  • 格式PDF

Offering an exclusive look behind the doors of the best designed and decorated homes in the New York metro area, each issue ventures to chic city lofts, elegant uptown spaces, sensational suburban homes, coastal treasures, and unique vacation retreats


[西班牙版]On Diseno 建筑室内综合艺术设计杂志 N342
Architecture, Interior Design, Art, Industrial design and Graphics. Founded in 1979, this independent professional magazine has become a reference and an indispensable tool for all architecture and design professionals.
[英文版]Detail 建筑细部杂志 2014年5-6月刊
《建筑细部》DETAIL是一本专注于介绍建筑细节构造设计的专业杂志,作为欧洲建筑与工程细部方面最成功的专业杂志,DETAIL在国际上以德、汉、 英、法、意、西文发行,网络覆盖欧、美、亚等洲。
[英国版]Interiors Monthly 室内设计杂志 2014年3月刊
Interiors Monthly is the hottest trade magazine off the press. A design led magazine, incorporating high quality features, news, views, and worldwide exhibition previews and reviews.
[英国版]Elle Decoration 时尚家居杂志 2014年4月刊
With 25 editions worldwide, ELLE Decoration is the world’s number one design magazine for the home, offering inspiring images of beautiful homes as well as the latest décor ideas, news and events.
[美国版]Builder 建筑师杂志 2014年4月刊
BUILDER provides home builders with home building news, home plans, home design ideas, and building product information, helping them manage their home building operations efficiently and profitably.
[英国版]Country Living 欧美田园风格家居时尚杂志 2014年6月刊
Country Living,中文叫乡村生活,是著名的家居装饰生活综合杂志,风格田园,乡村,美国式,清新,全彩图,图片多。杂志的读者是欣赏美国家庭和传统的家庭生活,无论他们生活在哪里,1978年首次兴起了“乡村风格”的装修装饰,收集和娱乐

