杂志期刊 时尚摄影
[加拿大版]Desi Fashion 印度专业礼服流行趋势先锋杂志 2014年3-4月刊双月刊

A Fashion & Lifestyle magazine showcasing the various Talents rising in the South Asian Community in the Fashion, Beauty, Entertainment Industry. Desi Fashion also ……

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A Fashion & Lifestyle magazine showcasing the various Talents rising in the South Asian Community in the Fashion, Beauty, Entertainment Industry. Desi Fashion also highlights issues related to Foundation, Travel, Book and more.


[美国版]Rangefinder 专业摄影杂志 2014年4月刊
Rangefinder: An Award-Winning Photography Magazine. Rangefinder features the latest photography news, imaging news, and photographic industry news and information—more than any magazine devoted to professional photography.
[日本版]Vogue 时尚杂志 2014年1月刊
[加拿大版]Desi Fashion 印度专业礼服流行趋势先锋杂志 2014年1-2月刊
A Fashion & Lifestyle magazine showcasing the various Talents rising in the South Asian Community in the Fashion, Beauty, Entertainment Industry. Desi Fashion also highlights issues related to Foundation, Travel, Book and more.
[英国版]Tatler 尚流知名高端时尚社交杂志 2014年2月刊
瑞士博施出版集团(Edipresse Group)发行的知名高端社交杂志.一直致力于通过国际化的内容报道顶尖人群的生活方式,并通过各种活动推广高端社交文化。
[法国版]Photo 摄影杂志 2014年1-2月刊

