美国著名杂志W magazine一直走在世界时尚杂志前沿。W Magazine is a monthly American fashion magazine published by Condé Nast Publications, who purchased original owner Fairchild Publications in 1999. It was created in 1972 by the publisher of sister magazine Women’s Wear Daily, James Brady. The magazine is an oversize format – ten inches wide and thirteen inches tall. Stefano Tonchi is the editor of W; Lucy Kriz is the vice president and publisher. W magazine has a reader base of nearly half a million, 469,000 of which are annual subscribers. 80 percent of the magazine’s readers are female and have an average household income of $135,840.
[英国版]Tatler 尚流知名高端时尚社交杂志 2014年2月刊
瑞士博施出版集团(Edipresse Group)发行的知名高端社交杂志.一直致力于通过国际化的内容报道顶尖人群的生活方式,并通过各种活动推广高端社交文化。
[法国版]Photo 摄影杂志 2014年1-2月刊
[日本版]Numero 大都市时尚杂志 2014年5月刊
《大都市Numero》 从巴黎起步的新法式时尚杂志,坚持独特、简约、清晰、现代的杂志美学,令人惊艳的图片影像,令人叫绝的编辑方式和整体视觉处理,以全球化的设计视野和法式的优雅风度,预示着先锋时尚影响力。
[俄罗斯版]Glamour 高端女性时尚杂志 2014年5月刊
[日本版]Vogue 时尚杂志 2014年1月刊
[美国版]Runway 时尚女装杂志 2014年春季刊
Runway is a selective celebration of the inspirational designers, entertainers and artists that bring beauty, grace and elegance into our lives. Fashion and beauty are not simply about image; these elements are a cultural barometer for what is going on in society and in the lives of women.