[澳大利亚版]Architecture Australia 精品建筑杂志 2014年1-2月刊
Ask architects which Australian magazine they choose to read or to publish their work and the answer is most likely Architecture Australia. If you want to be up to date with the best built works and the issues that matter, then Architecture Australia is for you. It’s commissioned contributors are independent, highly respected practitioners, architectural thinkers and design commentators and each article is supported by images from leading architectural photographers.
[美国版]Environmental Design + Construction 国际建筑环境设计杂志 2014年5月刊
ED+C Magazine the premier source for integrated high-performance building, is dedicated to efficient and sustainable design and construction.
[美国版]Builder 建筑师杂志 2014年4月刊
BUILDER provides home builders with home building news, home plans, home design ideas, and building product information, helping them manage their home building operations efficiently and profitably.
[西班牙版]On Diseno 建筑室内综合艺术设计杂志 N342
Architecture, Interior Design, Art, Industrial design and Graphics. Founded in 1979, this independent professional magazine has become a reference and an indispensable tool for all architecture and design professionals.
[美国版]This Old House 老房子 室内装修设计参考杂志 2014年1-2月刊
[美国版]Architectural Record 建筑实录 2014年5月刊
美国著名建筑杂志 Architectural Record (建筑实录),由McGraw-Hill Construction(麦格劳希尔建筑信息公司)出版,月刊。提 供全球建筑业确实有用的信息,是专为建筑师而设计;内容包括建筑科技、新闻、重要讯息的研讨,如何设计并表现出完美的建筑风格标准等等。