杂志期刊 建筑家居
[中国版]Architectural Digest 安邸AD 2014年5月刊月刊


  • 语言中文
  • 大小52.9MB
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本期封面:中国新质感 New China Quality




[英国版]Homes & Antiques 进口家居软装饰杂志 2014年2月刊
[美国版]K+BB 厨卫权威杂志 2014年1月刊
[英国版]Architect Builder Contractor & Developer 建筑杂志 2014年5月刊
ABC&D was offering the latest information on related products, services, news and technology within the building industry. Today, the magazine has taken a more “feature-led” approach which includes in-depth articles
[澳大利亚版]Architecture Australia 精品建筑杂志 2014年1-2月刊
Ask architects which Australian magazine they choose to read or to publish their work and the answer is most likely Architecture Australia. If you want to be up to date with the best built works and the issues that matter, then Architecture Australia is for you. It’s commissioned contributors are independent, highly respected practitioners, architectural thinkers and design commentators and each article is supported by images from leading architectural photographers.
[西班牙版]On Diseno 建筑室内综合艺术设计杂志 N342
Architecture, Interior Design, Art, Industrial design and Graphics. Founded in 1979, this independent professional magazine has become a reference and an indispensable tool for all architecture and design professionals.
[美国版]ELLE Decor 时尚家居杂志 2014年3月刊
一本为准确知道自己想要什么的新生代专业设计师和用户准备的时尚家具杂志,ELLE Decor里面时尚、充满灵感的作品将把时尚风格带到您家里的每个房间。elle装饰的编辑带来的挑衅年轻人才以及设计传奇仍然让您惊讶,认为古董并肩现代产品灵感可以完美的融合在一起,在全球各地。

